Bit of a funny title huh?
Well reality is you are here because you want to sell something online BUT you don’t want to look like a massive creeper like the majority of marketers out there do. Correct?
Isn’t it just so annoying when you receive an email, Facebook message etc.often from a total stranger that says “Hey I see you are a like minded individual, would you be open to an additional income stream that wouldn’t interfere with what you’re doing?”
Translation: can you join my business please? I have been copy and pasting all day and my fingers are sore LOL
That’s what I like to call creeper marketing…and now that we’re on the same page and understanding of what a creeper marketer is, here’s what you do to absolutely guarantee to never be in the creeper category again so long as you follow my advice consistently.
- Don’t become emotionally addicted to the outcome. Yes you should have passion and excitement for what you do, as well as be willing to celebrate victories even if they are small – but the reality is you SHOULD be making sales and getting leads daily, so don’t feel the need to do a backflip every time you get a sale! To avoid being emotionally attached whether someone works with me or not I just move onto the next person as quickly as possible.
- If someone is not interested – don’t try and convert them. Honestly it’s like getting a guy who has been an Atheist for 30 years to start attending church every Sunday and praying morning/nightly. It’s not realistic to think that’s going to happen EVER, and you’re setting yourself up for failure by talking to the WRONG people.
- Who is your target market? Most marketers think their offer is ‘for everyone’ so they market to everyone, when really they’re actually targeting nobody. They’re not speaking to the listening, they’re speaking to the deaf (i.e. the wrong audience).
Your target market should be people who either have bought a similar offer to what you’re offering in the past, or are regular buyers of a similar offer. A great suggestion I can make to help with this is to use the above advice, then actually draw out your ideal prospect. Give them an imaginary identity and life, name, as if your ideal prospect was a living person…and aim ALL of your marketing efforts at this person. They will show up eventually.
In short, the most important part of this process is talking to people who already actively have an interest in your offer, rather than trying to create an interest that just not might be there.
It also helps if you can get even as few as 3-5 people per day approaching YOU about your business, as you now have a little bit of power here…seeing as THEY came to you and not the other way round.
To understand how to do this through a process called Attraction Marketing, click below to book onto a FREE one on one strategy session and we will give you a phone call with the intention to understand your goals, what might be missing in terms of you achieving them, and some things we can suggest or mastermind on to help you totally SMASH them.
Click Here to Book a Strategy Session Valued at $47