Need some effective recruiting tips for network marketing to grow your downline?
If you’re a network marketer looking for ways to bring in more team mates, but are looking for rejection free
recruiting tips for network marketing, then you’re in the right place. Today you’ll learn how top recruiters sponsor people in huge bunches almost effortlessly, and how you can apply these strategies to your business too.

The biggest mistake people make in this industry is to promote the facts and figures of their business, which is not why people join. Nobody joins a business because they’re interested in the fine details, the bottom line is that they want to be in profit mode and earn a sizeable income.
So what do top producers promote instead?
They promote the end result of what can happen from joining the business. They share testimonials and success stories at varying levels of results (but still some results). This is crucial, as you have to understand that people aren’t looking at the business and all the ins or outs…but what it can do for them. If you go to buy a drill, did you really want the drill specifically or to create a hole?
The goal in this industry is to become a leader, and showcase the value that you have to offer to the marketplace. If you have no value to offer, then why would people want to work with you?
Being a leader involves training or helping to train a group of people on how you’ve achieved a certain result. It also requires you to make big sacrifices to keep your team stable and growing. Overall, being a leader is not for everyone however you will only make larger coin if you are one. Make sense?
Also make sure you have enough experience and results on your own before taking on the larger leadership role for lots of people. It’s like stepping stones…you can’t leap over a bunch of them without risking falling back down and starting from scratch.
Why is this one of the most effective recruiting tips for network marketing?
People by human nature want to know what other people’s experiences have been so far. Also, they are more immune today than ever to hype and false promises that most marketers try to fill them with. If you can share even the smallest of results, you will certainly get people’s attention. They may not join right away, however you will be on their radar.
Also if you have your prospects on social media connected with you, then they will see more of your content so be sure to post content that you would like your ideal business partners to see. Start connecting with the right people, which is those who are already into business or personal development and don’t start with the people who have no interest with building a business.
Don’t you get on well with people who you don’t have to convince anyway? There is MUCH less friction in that kind of relationship. Put the focus on RELATIONSHIPS and don’t rush people on their decision…they need to see the value of a) working with you instead of someone else, and b) that their problem will be solved.
Follow these recruiting tips for network marketing if you are serious about growing your downline and generating much more leads. Also you may like these related blog posts with my network marketing tips PDF and
how to get free leads for my business.

-Seb Brantigan
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Skype: seb.brantigan
P.S. got value from these recruiting tips for network marketing but still don’t have a proven, duplicatable system to get results?
Here’s the exact system I’ve used to generate over 3,746 leads online and make $8.7K+ in commissions from people who didn’t sign up in my primary biz, using no paid marketing.