MLM has changed. There is no need to be going out and marketing your business the “old school” way. You’ll be happy to know that there is a much smarter option. The most successful “MLM gurus” have taken their businesses online, and instead of prospecting strangers, they have prospects rushing to them asking about their businesses (this was unheard of before the Information Age).
The 3%’ers (the 3% that are making money in this industry) are more scientific with what works and what doesn’t. They track exactly where they get leads and visitors come from. They can evaluate how well their websites are converting, and they can perform split testing in order to constantly improve their conversion rate.
They are running a profitable business from the comfort of their home – if you are not in the 3% who are making more than they’re spending, it sounds like you’re running a non-profit business from the discomfort of your home. I would not like to be in the latter half.
Today is the best time to change how you promote your MLM business – just don’t do it at all. Promote YOURSELF, lead with value and offer your knowledge of the industry. People will notice you more than the next marketer trying to make his commissions online marketing a replicated company website.