Overcome The 5 Most Common Sales Objections
Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'

The 5 Most Common Sales Objections and How You Can Overcome Them (You Need This If You Are a “Pushy Salesman”)

So you’ve found a vocation called Network Marketing/Direct sales, congratulations. If you’re in this industry to use the logical (left) side of your brain, you’re in the wrong place. You can get really good in this industry using your emotional (right) brain. However, many people who think of sales will say, “do I have to sell anything” or “I don’t wanna sell pills, potions and lotions”. These type of people will never succeed in this industry.

To become a Direct Sales/Network Marketing “guru”, you must understand people. Humans are predictable, and your predictability becomes your power. To close some of the most common sales objections, you need to control the conversation by specifically asking questions. To become a good at closing sales, you must become good at asking questions.

Sales is asking orientated marketing. It is a process. You present an opportunity, ask the prospect(s) see the value, then you go ahead and collect a series of yes answers to get a result. So why do people deny an opportunity?

The word “no” is seldom of ever used as an objection. People either prejudge an opportunity or they make their excuses. e.g. When someone says “this isn’t for me”, they didn’t say no. Here are the 5 most common sales objections you will often receive – and how to overcome them. (NOTE: You will not be able to overcome these objections with very many).

1) Money – “this sounds good but I don’t have the money”. It’s not that they don’t see value in the products/services. Some people are not willing to change their financial situation.

2) Time – “I have a job/family/pets/other”. People are unwilling to commit to building their business. I know more than enough people who beat the odds even against time.

3) Think about it – “I’ll get back to you in a week”. Chances are that they will not buy from you if you let them go off and think about it. Anyone who is serious enough about getting started with you, they’ll do it relatively quickly.

4) 3rd party approval – “I want to ask my brother/uncle/father/other friend/family” (who is more than likely in the same financial situation).

5) They want to do their research – “I’m just looking into the industry”.

Now you will not overcome these objections with very many. What you must do is let people go. When they’re done making their excuses and they go ahead and tell their story, tell them to get back to you if they’re serious. If you want to create sales volume, you must get people into your entrepreneurial endevour.

There’s a very popular saying that goes, “the fortune is in the follow up”. There is some merit to that, but the fortune is in the close. To enhance the law of averages in your favour, you must make the prospect more qualified and make sure that they know your name.

A great question to ask to ensure that you get a yes would be “Mr. Prospect, I can appreciate your situation, do you see value?” If you are looking to close a sale, ask something like “How serious are you about creating income in 2010?” or “How soon are you looking to change your financial situation?”

To overcome the top 5 objections, you must dig deeper into why they are objecting. If they are not serious or committed, let them go. People are more likely to decide if you are following them up about it and not letting them forget about it.


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4 thoughts on “The 5 Most Common Sales Objections and How You Can Overcome Them (You Need This If You Are a “Pushy Salesman”)

  1. I Understand what you are saying, let me tell you that in order to become a leader you most first go thought the learning curve, their are 25 more and i will do a post and them some time soon…

    Garen Thoms

  2. NoelSmall says:

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