Hey there,
Today’s blog post is going to be a little different as it is a bit personal to me and I might rant on a bit, but don’t worry it still relates to business and there is still a message/a point to take home from it so bear with me 😉
In all honesty this blog is only relating to my last ever drink at my local pub a stone’s throw away from my home, I haven’t given up drinking altogether (though I am cutting down a bit) – this particular pub, after many years, is sadly closing for good. See to me, this wasn’t just a place to drink, it’s been a lot of things for me.
I had my first legal drink here when I was 18, met some friendly people and got to know many others from all different walks of life. Plus it was a nice place to wander down to on a Sunday afternoon just to chill and chat to a few people. So it was a very genuine and relaxed community here, and it was sad to see it all go so soon.
The reason why it closed was because as the pub was ran as a franchise, someone at head office decided to write to all the staff working there and the owner who had been there 12+ years working every single day (with hardly any holidays, he was very committed) to tell them that they didn’t feel it was worth their while running the pub anymore so everyone working there would be made dismissed, and the pub would be sold most likely to be developed into flats. Yes, he was awarded redundancy pay, but this is no replacement to having to start a new life from scratch whilst having a family to consider as well.
Did you know this place was actually making the company a profit before they decided to close it?
Imagine that…you, as the owner, being told that you would lose your job, your home (the entire family lived on premises), your community, your loyal staff and basically the life that you had built for yourself. And if you’re a manager working under the company, they control your income as well as the other things I’ve mentioned. See, the funny thing is that people assume just because they’re working for a large company they presume that there is a greater ‘job security’. I can see this as clear evidence that the only job security is working for yourself.
Now we as Internet marketers also face the same problem – the company that you’re affiliated with could decide to close its doors on you at any moment. However, if you become a multipreneur and you are involved with multiple projects, the beauty of this is if one fails expectations you have something to fall back on WITHOUT relying on someone else’s safety net.
However before you become a multipreneur, I would first advise that you focus on ONE project i.e. one MLM business and make enough progress there to expand to another as businesses come and go on a daily basis…you don’t want to be tied up in one company only for everything you’ve been working for to collapse leaving you without anything else to support you in the meantime.
And that was all I wanted to share with you today! P.S. I am sure that the pub owner will find a new passion, and hey they do say everything happens for a reason…as for me, I’ll need to find a new place to have a few drinks with my pals too. It should keep me busy methinks 😉
Hope you enjoyed the read, this one was a bit all over the place but hope I got my pint (err I mean point) across.