MLM Downline Building System: Recruit Reps Without A Warm Market - Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'
Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'

MLM Downline Building System: Recruit Reps Without A Warm Market

Been looking into an MLM downline building system to grow your business and dominate the leaderboards?

Most people looking for an MLM downline building system are struggling with getting new reps for their business and have tried things like chasing warm market, burning through their 100 list and going out to prospect (instead of prospecting while you’re out). Maybe you can relate to some of those, as these are strategies that so many reps rely on to build their business because they don’t know any other way.mlm downline building system

Today I’m going to show you why having an MLM downline building system will be key, as well as how they can help you make money from the majority who never join your business. First of all, we need to understand some concepts.

What is an MLM downline building system?

A system is nothing more than a set of tools and instructions, which in this case is designed to help you to grow your downline. An MLM downline building system could be a website (also known as a sales funnel) that shows your prospects your business opportunity presentation, and has a way of qualifying the viewer.

A sales funnel is a way to lead a prospect through a process of following up with them (usually by email) whilst the website does the explaining and selling, so that you don’t have to! That’s one less job to do, now all you have to do is get people in front of a sales funnel.

Having systems like this in place is key if you want to start to automate the process of showing people who are interested about the business, team results, success stories and information about your company. It makes no sense saying the same information hundreds of times, if this is the case create a website and a video that explains this information really well and covers any questions that may be asked.

Most people get confused however, and think that systems can build your business for you. That may be true to an extent but you won’t build a long term sustainable relationship with any of your reps without some kind of interaction with them. Using systems is a great way to find and qualify people but don’t get lazy by thinking you can press a button to do all the work!

The next thing you can do is have systems in place to qualify prospects, such as a survey they have to fill out to and apply to see if they are a fit for joining your business. You’ll probably see a lot of top marketers do this as they get so many enquiries that they want to filter out the serious, committed people.

Could you imagine building your business this way? Instead of going out and chasing people, you could just get them applying to work with you and YOU have the power as to who joins, not them.

I hope these tips on using an MLM downline building system were useful, if they were you may want to check out my related posts on how an online MLM lead generation system works, and some suggested best network marketing tools to use.
Seb Pointing Down

-Seb Brantigan

Get value? Let me know what you liked best on Facebook!

Skype: seb.brantigan

P.S. liked these tips on how an MLM downline building system works, but still don’t have a proven blueprint to get results online?

Here’s the exact system I’ve used to generate over 3,767 leads online and make over $9,376.85 and counting in commissions from people who didn’t sign up in my primary biz, using no paid marketing.

Click here for the training video (unless you already get 20+ leads per day)

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0 thoughts on “MLM Downline Building System: Recruit Reps Without A Warm Market

  1. Shane Harrison says:

    Great article! There are a ton of ways to attract organic MLM leads online.

    While blogging is a great long-term strategy, building an MLM site can bring you quick results, especially if you use paid advertising to direct people to your site. Thank you for the value!


  2. Wow love this amazing job Seb.

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