How To Turn Those Who Ask What You Do Into Red Hot Prospects - Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'
Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'

How To Turn Those Who Ask What You Do Into Red Hot Prospects

I have always seen this as an easy way to turn average people into hot prospects for your home based business, whether you’ve just sat next to a stranger at Starbucks and you’ve started talking, or maybe someone has sent you a message on Facebook asking this question you’ve been dreading. Let me tell you how to tell people what you do, and how to get people asking more about it!

Most people will get stuck because they will either say something too complex for someone new to the home based business industry, or what they say does not spark any kind of curiosity and therefore they don’t find it interesting. Here’s how to make it appealing, step by step:

1) It’s really easy; think about what we aim to achieve not just for ourselves but for everyone else we work with. Here are a few examples I like to use (feel free to use them too, but be creative too)

  • I make money by teaching others how to make money
  • I help people to make more money and work less hours doing it
  • I help people work part time on their fortunes and full time on their jobs

2) Once you give them an answer like the one above, then you remain silent. Remember, first one to talk loses! A typical answer after you tell them what you do (if said with confidence) would be:

  • What exactly does that entail?
  • How do you do that?
  • Tell me more about that!

3) Now you will often get an answer that may be different from the ones above. If they do not indicate any interest or no response is shown, move on…we’re not in the convincing business, but we’re in the marketing business! However if they DO show a positive reaction, here’s what you say next:

“Mr Bloggs, I couldn’t possibly explain everything here right now because I’ve been busy with a lot of people asking me about it. However if I were to give you a [DVD/Business Card/Website] that will tell you everything you need to know, how soon would you be able to be able to look at it?”

4) For those who are able to look at it right now, ASAP, when they get home etc. give them the DVD, Business Card or Website…you can also take their business card if they have one, if not then their phone # will be great. But if they give you anything other than “as soon as I can” then tell them you will give them the information when they say they can review it.

Often they will want to stop you and change their minds because of the psychological trigger in the statement followed by the question. They don’t want to miss out on what they think might be important, and we as human beings always want what we can’t have. Isn’t this awesome 😉

Now I am almost certain that if you stick to this and follow the blueprint you will be able to generate a lot of interest for your home based business. It doesn’t matter what your business actually is because you won’t be explaining your business to whoever asks.

Make your life and marketing campaign easier by using tools such as DVDs, Business Cards, Telephone Conference Calls, your Phone #…the list really goes on and on due to new technologies that change the way we do business. Just follow the 4 steps!

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